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Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Study Says This Super Food Gives Sperm Super Powers!

If you're  trying to get pregnant, make sure your hubby or partner chows down on plenty of salmon and tuna fish sandwiches.  Why?  A new study from the University of Illinois adds to a growing body of evidence that says DHA, a type of omega fatty acid found in fish, is essential for healthy baby-making sperm.
Writing in the journal The Biology of Reproduction, experts say it works  by helping to to turn round, immature sperm into a pointy-headed super swimmer with an extra long tail - and that means sperm that are much more likely to swim faster and penetrate an egg.
 "Normal sperm cells contain an arc-like structure called the acrosome that is critical in fertilization because it houses, organizes, and concentrates a variety of enzymes that sperm use to penetrate an egg," said Manabu Nakamura, a U of I associate professor of biochemical and molecular nutrition.  His study is among the first to show that an essential fatty acid known as DHA is critical for forming the acrosome - which in turn is critical for forming healthy spearm.
"Without DHA, this vital structure doesn't form and sperm cells don't work," said Timothy Abbott, a doctoral student who co-authored the study.
In his new book Eat, Love, Get Pregnant; A Couples Guide To Boosting Fertility,  reproductive expert Dr. Lauersen recommends a variety of foods high in DHA and other essential fatty acids which he has long believed play a huge role in boosting not just the production of healthier sperm, but also healthier eggs.
" Fish is by far the greatest source of DHA and other essential fatty acids, but you can also find many other foods that are fortified with DHA, including eggs, some soy products, even certain yogurts," says Dr. Lauersen. 
Dr. Lauersen believes female fertility also gets a boost from these foods.
"It helps to build healthier, stronger eggs that are easier to fertilize and are generally healthier overall, with a reduced risk of miscarriage, " says Dr. Lauersen, who details a number of fertility problems that can be helped by essential fatty acids in Eat, Love, Get Pregnant.
In the new study doctors found that when a male is short on DHA, sperm can't fully form, so their cell structure becomes irregular.  Although DHA is found in many tissues of the body - including the brain and the retina, in men it has it's greatest concentration in the testicles.
Dr. Lauersen adds that many lifestyle factors can deplete our DHA reserves, including stress as well as exposure to pesticides and other environmental chemicals.  Morever, while DHA is considered an essential fatty acid, the body can't manufacture it on it's own - you have to get it from food or supplements.
Dr. Lauersen says that while whole foods remain the best source of essential fatty acids,  natural fish oil supplements can help insure that DHA levels remain high. 
For more information on a variety of foods and natural supplements that have been scientifically shown to boost both male and female fertility,  pick up a copy of Eat, Love, Get Pregnant  or  Green Fertility: Nature's Secrets to Making Babies.
For more information on the new study click here.

This story originally appeared on - National Edition

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